Therapeutic Massage

Relaxing. Renewing. Regenerative.

Aromatherapy Massage and Reiki

My unique approach to massage is a combination of deeply intuitive work and an innate knowledge of what the body needs, gleaned over seven years of hands-on experience.

Each session includes work with DoTerra essential oils and finishes with energy work.

My sessions run an hour (or longer!) and leave you feeling rested, renewed, and energized for the rest of your day.

My private practice is mostly for local clients and all sessions must be booked at least 24 hours in advance. I charge $80/hour.

I currently see clients at Life Source Chiropractic in Rutland, VT

Please contact the office to schedule:

“Bodywork can get us in touch with our present situation, give us a feel for possible alternatives, help us to grasp the forces that form us, put our fingers on the elements that have been missing in our ways of doing things, and give us a renewed sense of our organic strength and intelligence.”

— Deane Juhan, Job’s Body: A Handbook for Bodywork